Merry Lynch
1 min readOct 19, 2023


I loved reading this article and it also made my blood boil. I am American living in Poland. The war in Ukraine is a short 10 hour drive from where I live. My eyes have been opened to aggression upon another human. You have something that I want, so...I am just going to make up a story and get others to agree to it and get this thing...whatever it become all cost.

I am 60 something and grew up in the feminist movement. I protested, I marched and still was molested at work, raped by a neighbor and had an unfaithful husband that I was supposed to love and obey.

There is a lot, as a woman, to be made about. The story has gone on for decades. My belief, even though it may be through rose colored glasses, is to keep the conversation, yes I said "conversation" going and alive. We need the press for that. But old stories don't sell.

Can we be kind, gentle and brilliant in our speech of our needs or wants and still win? I'd like to think so but it takes time and those that are suffering don't have that.



Merry Lynch

Midlife antics of an American expat married to a Pole. Culture, Life Abroad, Travel, Over 60, Love, Embarrassing Moments, English Only a problem and a gift.